Friday, June 10, 2011

My Boy

That face is so cute, slightly mousey and monky-ish all at the same time. I fall in love with him every time I look at him. His hair spikes up just right on top of his head. When he looks up at me I can see how much he loves his mama and how much he needs me for everything. He is completely trusting and tells me that every time he glares into my eyes. This kid is so much like me, I can already tell. He never wants to be by himself and craves the company of those he loves. He sleeps for hours if he is being held but only minutes if left alone. Already he knows his sister and loves her; when she cry’s his lips get pouty and quiver as if he is getting ready to wail, if she stops he does as well. I could smell the crease of his neck, nuzzle into him and get lost for hours.

Did you know-
Kaden can hold up his head already.
He stands up and holds up all body weight...(with help).
His nails grow and lightening speed.
He has the cutest Mongolian spot
His hair is soft as silk
He sleeps all day every day
He acts like he is starving minutes after he has eaten
There is nothing he likes better than to be outside

He gained over a pound and over an inch and a half in less than two weeks
He is the greatest addition to our family

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