Sunday, March 28, 2010


Our smart little girl solved her problem. She doesn’t want to let whatever she is playing with go but can’t seem to crawl if it is in her hand; so she carries it around in her mouth. She looks like such a little puppy. My favorite was when I caught her carrying around her shoe, she couldn’t be cuter


  1. Alright, does everybody else see what she is carrying? The remote! She likes the on-demand channels them most. I am not sure why, but she has almost ordered a number of movies, including Up In The Air, which I am sure would have not finished since it gets a little sad at the end. Zahra and I have a great relationship, proven by the fact that we fight over who has to take the controller, not who gets the controller since we each want the other one to watch what they want. We better step up though Zahra, because if we don’t, while it will be cute watching cartoons with her when she is little, if she keep the controller until she is older we will be stuck watching pre-teen and teen programs, like The Bachelor or those other silly shows…oh wait….
