Monday, March 22, 2010

Icecream Truck

We were checking out the house that we are planning on buying and we hear the sweet sound that instantly transports us back more than 20 years, the sound of an icecream truck driving down the road. We, just like we did more than 20 years ago, ran out to meet it. Ali had her first icecream sandwhich off her first icecream truck. It made the neighborhood so much more appealing and all we wanted was to move in!

1 comment:

  1. That was our first meal in our new house, and hopefully the level of nutrition will improve once we are settled in. Closing is set and we’ll start the fixing up within the next week! I am so excited for all of us, especially my beautiful wife and baby girl. The parks, the daycare, the ice cream truck, everything is just perfect. I feel like we are moving into Pleasantville, just after the color was thrown back in, and without the cheesy acting. I can’t wait!
