Aliya received this jumper at my baby shower. We have been waiting for her to be able to use it and what better time than her 4 month birthday! Rob put it together for her and she lit up when we put her in it. She loved it. I can't wait till she figures out how to spin around in it and get to all the toys. We also didn't have any "C" batteries so the piano doesn't work yet but we will get them for her soon. I think there is enough other stuff to entertain her in the meantime.
I can not believe Aliya is 4 months old. Time is flying by and she is getting big fast! Her big milestone right now is rolling over. She can roll over from her back to her tummy and back onto her back. She does it better when she is asleep. Her hand control is the best its ever been.
My poor baby is teething now; so she is in pain. I have been giving her Tylenol to take the edge off. She hates, I mean really hates, Baby Orajel. She makes the cutest squinty face, then spits, then screams, then spits again. Her smiles are getting bigger and bigger recently and she is so much fun to play with. I love my baby and I am so proud to be her mom. Happy 4 Month Birthday my baby girl!
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