Mom gave me this great tip! is having a sale! You can get $25 gift certificates for $1! All you have to do is type coupon code ZOO in when you are checking out on the "my cart" page and the discount is taken off! I got $130 of gift certificates ($325 Value) for $13! Just be careful because they come with exclusions and terms. Most of the $25 gift certificates can only be used on $35 or more purchases. Still your $35 meal only costs $11! It is really straight forward what the terms of use are. When you click to add the restaurant to your shopping cart the terms are listed right under the button! Happy Shopping and Eating!!
P.S. Expires Sept 12th at midnight!
Mom, Dad and I used a certificate today for Wolfes waterfront grill. It was beautiful on the St. Johns River! Our only problem was reacing the $35 quota but we took some wings to-go for Adam and ordered desert. We had fun!