Thursday, March 3, 2011

Pregnancy Sucks

FYI- pregnancy sucks
If you don’t agree; go suck a lemon
Okay I know everyone gets the normal pregnancy stuff like weight gain, swollen feet, tiredness and constantly running to the bathroom to pee (4 times last night!) but I get a whole myriad of other annoying pregnancy symptoms. Some graphic; so beware.
How about this constant rib pain on my right side. I just want to pull it out. I also have a big fibroid on my uterus that sits right near that rib that causes a burning sensation to my skin. Its like someone is holding a lighter to my skin and my skin is on fire. I swear I look at that spot 20 times a day just to make sure there is nothing there. The rib and fibroid are right under my right breast which makes wearing a bra impossibly painful and if you have seen me you know I need to wear a bra.
Constant back pain, sometimes its upper and other times lower, then there is my neck and shoulders or achy feet… the list goes on.
Then there is the heartburn, acid reflux and indigestion. I should buy stock in Tums, I eat it like candy. Unfortunatly, all the calcium in the Tums leads to me having restless leg at night. I can’t stop moving and kicking my feet which keeps me up for hours. It is probably the most irritating symptom I have.
Hemorrhoids are no fun by the way and my bowels can decide if they want to be soft or hard but never normal.
Then there is the weird spots that show up all over my neck and face, like freckles. I have noticed a few moles pop up and darkness of my skin over my nose. I also had a few weird stray, thick, dark hairs show up in odd spots.
My biggest pregnancy issue is the excess saliva due to hyper emesis which I cant get down so I have to spit constantly, very annoying for me and all those around.
Lets not forget the recent issues of blacking out.
I am sure I have forgot a few but you get the idea….pregnancy sucks!

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