Thursday, September 16, 2010

My Afternoon

Eating on the go, an American standard. We headed to Chick-fil-a for lunch and despite the place being busy there was no one in line. My bladder was calling so I headed to the restroom and when I returned it was as if I had left a time warp because there were 2 lines both 6 people deep! As soon as I stood in line Aliya runs off. I chase her and loose my spot so now I am even farther back because at that same moment the door flew open and a herd of people walked in. Holding her this time in line, I look around and see tables are disappearing as well as highchairs. With one highchair left I decide its worth giving up my bad stop in line for a worse one just to secure the highchair. I didnt want to be left with a kid and a trayful of food with no where to sit. I throw the diaper bag on the table and Aliyas sippy cup in the highchair to reserve it and get back in line for the third time. At this point Ali has seen the play place and is wiggling with all her might to get out of my arms and run to it. What seems like forever later we make it to the front of the line and order. (On a side note- let the mom whose is a line with the wiggly kid ahead of you in line, its hard being her and she could use a break and help) (On another side note- I ordered way too much food for just Aliya and I, then proceeded to eat it all, very frustrating) We leave Chick-fil-a and go to Walgreens. I decide I didn't need the whole diaper bag and threw my wallet and coupon organizer (filled with gift cards and store credit cards worth lots of money) into a tote bag I carry with me. Aliya and I go in do our shopping and as I am about to leave I notice a woman struggling with her baby and the carseat. I keep looking deciding if she need my help (since I am more sensitive to parents who are alone struggling with kids after my chick-fil-a incident), she figures it out so I buckle Ali up and leave. With the lights and traffic it took me a good 12 minutes to get the 3 miles to home, I pull in the driveway unbuckle Ali and go to grab my bag and its not there! Holy Crap! I left it in the cart in the parking lot of Walgreens. I have never made it to New Tampa faster. I pulled in and there is my bag still sitting in the cart! Whew, what a relief! Then Ali's diaper exploded and we barely made it home before there was a big mess.

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