Monday, February 8, 2010


I walked into the main prayer hall at Jamat Khane (Church) last Friday with my head held high. I was the mother of a perfect baby and I was going to sit in the prayer hall with her and she was going to sit quietly for the whole service. I was delusional. Not even a third of the way through services and I had to leave, head hung low and embarrassed I walked out of the prayer hall. My angelic daughter, whom I though wore a halo brought out the horns and started screaming. Leading up to that moment she had been babbling and my stress level was so high hoping she wouldn't get louder. The only praying I got done was praying for her to not scream. It didn’t work. I didn’t want to go to the room they have set aside for moms and babies. The one in the back of the building. That’s the room for loud babies, the misbehaving ones who are rowdy and as I mentioned before I have an angel, but there I went into the room with my daughter.

I am such a snob.

It was delightful, stress free, and fun. Aliya started to crawl around and play with the other kids. She found some other moms to read to her and feed her cherrios (the yummy sweet ones not the plain ones I give her). I can't believe I was so stuck up to the idea of sitting in there; a place where I could be a mom and Aliya could be a baby. I didn’t really get much praying done in there either but it was worth it. You can hear everything that is going on in the main prayer hall through the overhead speakers so I didn’t really miss out either. I am sorry for being such a snob, the once dungeons room in the back of the building is now my sanctuary.

My only issue- no outlet covers on the electric sockets. Luckily, she didn't find them, she was too entertained by everything else going on. I am going to tell one of the volunteers so they can put them on to keep little babies safe. Like they say 'Trust in God but still lock your car door.' Just because we are at church doesn't exempt us from electrocution. (Even if it does I am not going to let her put fingers in there to find out!)

1 comment:

  1. If you want pup, we can become the expert child safety... experts... for all Khanes. we can travel the world, making sure those rooms are child safe! That sounds like an awesome job! Did anybody see our childproofing?! Its great, but now we cant get the things out of the plugs so we have to plug everything into a single powerstrip.
    Seriously, thats our new job, but we'll have to find another test baby than Aliya.
