Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Adams 20th Birthday Weekend!

Happy Birthday Adam! I am in disbelief that you are 20, I clearly remember sitting in the delivery room on the floor staring at your chubby cheeks. I clearly remember looking for pokemon with you in the yard. I clearly remember taking you to Chuck-e-cheeses and collecting tickets with you. And I clearly remember all the wonderful things you have brought to my life over the last 20 years. You are a wonderful kid adult. We had a fantastic birthday weekend with you.
Happy Birthday.

Took a peek at baby boy, he looks like his dad, very cute. We ate Thai. and Ali played with everyone!

Rob had joined us and we headed to Lake Woodruff. Ali was alseep when we got there but woke up soon after. She saw lots of Aligators, and a 'mommy' bird a 'daddy' bird and a 'yaya' bird. One of which attacked her. She had so much fun, as did Rob! Then we watched Adam go skydiving! What n amazing expereince for him. Then Adam, Dad and Rob went to the shooting range while Mom, Ali and I slept at home. No pictures of the boys because Rob forgot camera at home. And finally we went to Kobe steakhouse for a birthday dinner with Maa and Bapa. Ali feed Koi fish and really enjoyed the show! It was so fantastic.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011


This little girl is so complex. One moment she is just the most perfect child, sweet and easy; she gives big smiles, hugs and kisses. When you cough or make a sad face she comes up and says "okay, mommy?" She shares her toys and food and likes to play, "Mommy's turn, Daddy's turn, Yaya's turn" She is amazing and her heart burst our of her chest with love and sweetness and I realize that we-must-be-doing-something-right. But then there is her other side, the one where you think what-am-i-doing-wrong? She throws her body on the floor, kicks her feet, screams and throws an all out tantrum, for some reason, most of the time one I can't figure out. These tantrums have become so common now and I am not sure I know how to handle it. I am so in love with her, her little body, scraggly hair, and button nose. I just don't know what to do about the fire burning in her. The instantaneous change of mood is overwhelming. I'll just keep loving her with every ounce of my body and try to be patient with her, as hard as it is first thing in the morning when she wants to take off her pajamas and then changes her mind half way though the process. She isn't sure weather she wants to put them back on, stay half undressed or take them off;so she has a melt down on the changing table, kicking and screaming (like this morning). I managed to get the pajamas off but then putting on clothes was a whole other battle. She wanted to put her shoes on first then her pants and didnt want it any other way. It was very challanging but it is so worth it when she smiles.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Uncle Pinky's Island

I love going up to the Island have been dying to take Aliya back since her last visit a year ago, (post here). I knew we had to go soon before I was too pregnant to go and it'll be a while before we can take the new baby up so we took advantage of the beautiful weather this past weekend and headed up. It was awesome, of course! Aliya had a great time. She woke up Sunday morning on the Island laughing and asked "Wheres Paw Paw?" When we got home she kept telling me about the monkeys she saw while we were on the boat.