Thursday, May 13, 2010

I love...

the way you smile

your love of laughing and making others laugh

you shy downward head tilt where your eyes still look up

your obsession with books

the way you crawl as fast as you can when you see a door or the gate open hoping to make it through
before you get caught

the way you look back to see if I am watching you when you reach for the night light and smile when I catch you

you laughing as I chase you and your dad around or down the stairs

the way you hold on to my arm

the curly whiffs of hair

your love hate relationship with brushing your teeth

the way you gravitate toward family pictures

the way you feed maddi, even food you like and want to eat

your obsession with bananas

they way you try to put on your dads glasses

when you hold up any object as if it is a phone

the way you try to communicate with me

how you call me mama

coming into your room in the morning and seeing you standing up in your crib waiting for me, calling out to me, "mama mama mama" it melts me

your daring adventurous spirit, because I know it comes from me

the trust you have in me and your dad to keep you safe

the rolls of your thighs

the crease in your neck


the endless babbling, especially when you are mad, "yabadaba baba tru ta go ba me fafla cho be maja nera fho!"

when you are so quite and when you are so loud

how you keep a secret personality for when you are home and comfortable, the wild child, most don't get to see

the way you keep up appearances that you are an angel... you are most of the time

how you pick your nose when you are nervous

the way you put your arm by your head when you give high-fives

how you are such a picky eater, another trait from me

the way you try and play games just to laugh

your eyes

the sweet nose

how you hate having your hands trapped in a shirt

your pointing

the way you love your dad and light up when you see him

your willfulness, a trait from your dad

how you hate socks and shoes, my barefoot baby, just like your grandma

the way your nose crinkles in the middle when you smile

I could go on forever
I just love, love, love everything about you

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