Saturday, October 3, 2009


I know, I can't believe it either! Aliya has cut her first tooth! You can see the little white serrated edge that has been causing her so much pain peeking out from her gums!!! I knew she was teething but I really wasn't expecting a tooth to actually pop out! She is at least 2 months early for a tooth. Teeth usually make their debut around 6- 8 months. Poor little girl, no wonder she has been in so much pain and grouchy. Not really grouchy.. she is a sweetheart but you could tell something was bothering her. I tried to get a picture but it was impossible. Taking a picture of something so small in a infants mouth and in focus... not happening! But you can take my word for it, it is there! I have noticed feeding her has been a bit more painful over the last few days and yesterday she was fussing so Rob gave her his knuckle to suck and he noticed something sharp! Viola... Aliya's First Tooth! Now I have to get a baby toothbrush to keep it in all its pearly white glory. Another milestone she had yesterday is pulling on her blue bird hanging from her car-seat. When you pull it it buzzes. It is really cute. She has never pulled it herself before and yesterday she pulled it over and over and over again! It was so cute. We put her in the car again later in the evening and she did it again multiple times! Rob and I were so proud of her! 2 major milestones in 1 day!

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